
Monday, April 15, 2013

Ironman Dreams

When I was running my first marathon in St. Louis I passed a guy with an Ironman tattoo.
The guy on the left had the tattoo
Every since then I've always wondered, could I do an Ironman one day? Yesterday, Brian and I got one step closer by purchasing road bikes.

Adding triathlons to our life seems like a natural transition (I was even a competitive swimmer in the past). We've been talking about bikes for so long that we just decided to do it. After a few weeks of research, and swallowing the price tags (biking is way more expensive than running!), we came home yesterday with two shiny bikes.

I ended up with the Specialized Ruby after riding a few bikes. I really did not think I would feel a difference while riding and was going to make my decision on price, but man was I wrong. Some bikes were just uncomfortable. Others felt to short lengthwise. This one was just right. Think Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

When we got home we of course had to go out on a ride. Although the ride was short (I was tired from multiple test drives and my 8 mile run yesterday) it felt good and I can't wait to get more comfortable and really learn how to road bike.

Unfortunately, it is going to snow tomorrow and Wednesday so our riding dreams will need to be postponed until there is nicer weather. Thanks Colorado for never ending winter.

Does anyone have any Ironman advice? I am really considering this for a goal in the next few years.

In other news, my brother in law Jeff is running the Boston Marathon today! Go Jeff Go!! I wish I was there to run with him but hey, maybe next year right?

Alright I need to start getting ready for work, so I'll leave you will a weekly meal plan.

Melon Mojito Fish Tacos with grilled corn

Raspberry chipotle Pork with salad


Mexican casserole with Broccoli


Date Night

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